I've always loved building things.

These days, I’ve traded my soldering iron for a keyboard,
but the passion for creating and building is the same.


  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Redux
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Ruby
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • GraphQL
  • Apollo
  • D3
  • SQL
  • Figma



Organa is a tongue-in-cheek Star Wars themed work management tool inspired by Asana.

React, Redux, Rails, PostreSQL

Premier League Data Visualization

A visualization of statistics from the 2018-19 season of the English Premier League.

JavaScript, D3

Just Decide

A social app that helps a group of people come to a consensus on a shared endeavor.

React, Apollo, GraphQL, Express, Node, MongoDB


An e-commerce site inspired by Etsy.

React, Express, Node, MongoDB


A mobile game that has you competing against the clock to collect udon toppings.

Swift, SpriteKit, Firebase Realtime Database


A location-based app which lets you share information about where you’re going, and when you’ll arrive.

Swift, MapKit, Firebase Realtime Database, Firebase Cloud Messaging